I-Fund is a comprehensive index fund management system
that allows index fund managers to define, manage and
monitor multiple index portfolios. The I-Fund system
is a standalone system, capable of integrating into
the existing back-office systems of any Asset Management
The I-Fund system allows fund managers to track multiple
indices, calculate tracking errors of multiple schemes,
calculate net asset values of schemes and generate basket
trades to adjust the portfolio in case of subscriptions,
redemptions or rebalances Features.
The I-Fund system provides the following features:-
Multi-user, multi-fund
Portfolio - Ability to
maintain multiple Index Portfolios.
Basket Trades - Ability
to generate basket for individual schemes.
- Generate baskets for Subscriptions,
Redemptions or Rebalance.
- Generate multiple user defined set
of baskets for each trade.
- Allocate trade amounts proportionally,
according to weights in index.
- Assign multiple baskets generated
to brokers.
- Calculate Impact costs for each
- Generate order files as per the
format required by the broker/exchange.
- Receive trade confirmation for the
- Upload broker executed baskets into
respective schemes.
- Rebalance the portfolio, with broker
- Deal Sheet Generation.
NAV uploads - Upload
of asset/liability data file from back
office and calculate NAV.
Holding uploads - Upload
holding information and update portfolio.
Generate Tracking Error
Corporate Action tracking
and adjustments in portfolio/baskets.
Index Maintenance reporting
and adjustments.
Index value and weight-age
Index Price tracking and
Basket Details report.
Broker Executions reporting.
The system has a simple client-server architecture
with a browser-based front-end and a database in the
back-end. It runs on Linux/Unix platform with an RDBMS
such as MySQL or Oracle.
- I-Fund is a browser based system and can be operated
by any user with the required access rights.
- I-Fund validates the data from the files
coming from the Index Information Provider
and ensures that there is no room for errors.
- Strict adherence to the rules of
Index-provider, numerous simulations and
rigorous testing has ensured correct
tracking error figure.
Use in other applications
Given the functionality of I-Fund and its
ability to handle multiple portfolios, related
transactions, allocation of monies, NAV
calculations, calculation of impact costs of
trades and generating tracking error reports,
it integrates well with back office systems
seamlessly and can be a vital part of an
enterprise fund management system at any asset
management company.
IDBI Principal Asset Management
Co. Ltd.
Templeton Asset Management Co. Ltd.
SBI Mutual
Sun Life Asset Management Company Ltd.
LIC Mutual
Tata TD Waterhouse Asset Management Pvt. Ltd.